TP5 : Uniform B-splines as Subvidision Curves

11 March 2016 in



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Uniform B-splines

In TP3, you have implemented the De Boor’s algorithm for evaluation of general B-splines. Now, let’s have a look at a particular subclass of B-spline curves, characterized by the uniform knot vector $t_i = i \; \; \forall i \in \mathbb Z$; have a look at the basis induced by such vector.

Your today’s task will be to implement these uniform B-splines as subdivision curves.

Subdivision algorithm

For a given degree $k$, the following constitutes one subdivision step passing from a polygon with $p$ points $\left\lbrace x_i^n \right\rbrace_{i=0}^{p-1}$ to a polygon with $2p$ points $\left\lbrace x_i^{n+1} \right\rbrace_{i=0}^{2p-1}$.

Double the points :

\[d_{2i}^0 = x_i^n, \quad d_{2i+1}^0 = x_i^n \quad \text{for} \quad i=0,\dots,p-1\]

Average $k$ times :

\[d_i^j = \frac12 \left( d_i^{j-1} + d_{i+1}^{j-1} \right) \quad \text{for} \quad j=1,\dots,k\]

Replace :

\[x_i^{n+1} = d_i^k \quad \text{for} \quad i=0,\dots,2p-1\]

This procedure is sometimes refered to as the Lane–Riesenfeld algorithm.


With increasing degree, the Stanford bunny becomes smoother and smoother. Here, the degree runs from 2 to 20 and back.


  1. Implement the subdivision algorithm for (closed) uniform B-spline curves. Test with various values of the degree $k$.
  2. Simplify the scheme for $k=2$. What do you observe?
